Monday, March 26, 2018

Easter Math Riddles

Easter and Math do not generally go together; true that. But then, riddles can go along with pretty much any subject, Easter being no exception. Here’s how you can design simple, Easter-themed Math riddles for your kids.

Framed Math Girl” by JayNick is licensed under CC by 2.0
Have an incomplete riddle as the question that needs to be solved in the beginning. Here are some examples:
  • A rabbit with fleas is called ____. (Answer: Bugs Bunny)
  • How do Easter bunnies stay healthy? (Answer: Eggsercise)
  • How did the soggy Easter bunny dry himself? (Answer: Hare Dryer)
Now divide the page into two parts. The left half should contain math problems; simple addition and subtraction for younger kids, the more complicated multiplication and division for older kids. Just the signs (+, -, x, /) need to be missing, shown as an empty block. The right half will have four columns, each headed by these signs and corresponding alphabets under each. The correct sign for each equation should have the corresponding alphabet under it for each problem, so as to make up the word in a correct sequence once all the problems are solved. The children are required to figure out the correct signs in each case and circle the letter under the correct sign. Once all the problems are correctly solved, simply list out the alphabets in their correct order at the bottom of the worksheet and you have the answer to your riddle!