Friday, November 8, 2013

Why Online Math Games Work So Well - Learning with Math Games for Kids

At home or in the classroom, online math games make a big difference to the way kids learn mathematics. Math whizzes and struggling learners alike are only too eager to get their turn at the computer, and readily spend hours answering questions on multiplication, fractions, algebra and more. Whether you’ve seen this phenomenon yourself or you’re still not convinced about the effectiveness of using math games for kids, you’re probably wondering how these games can make such a difference when teaching mathematics. Here are some of the main reasons math games for kids are so effective.

Motivation – When in the classroom, even the best of teachers cannot hold a child’s attention for much longer than an hour. Fun math games for kids can keep children playing and working on their math for hours at a stretch. This is because games use rewards like points, levels and badges to keep their players motivated and to encourage them to work harder and aim for higher goals. This type of positive reinforcement is enough to keep children going even when they make mistakes or encounter difficulties along the way.

Constant practiceMath games for kids are designed to repeat the same type of math questions until they sense that the player is able to answer them correctly. This way, kids keep practicing the same mathematical concepts and procedures until they are able to complete them with ease. This type of repetitive practice plays a key role in mastering math facts and procedures.

Immediate feedback – Immediate constructive feedback is another key aspect of math games for kids that contributes to their effectiveness in teaching math. When feedback is provided immediately, it serves as positive reinforcement for kids doing well and a corrective element for kids who need to alter their approach.

Relevance – For many kids, working with numbers does not hold much meaning for them. Students often wonder how math is important in the real world when they are never expected to solve numerical equations in their daily lives. Math games for kids highlight the relevance of mathematics by creating meaningful situations for the application of math skills. Virtual situations like buying groceries, measuring ingredients or running a business provides a context and relevance for the math problems.

Customization – Math games for kids provide a customized experience for every player. The complexity of the math problems is adjusted according to the skill and abilities of the player. This creates a personalized learning experience that keeps quick learners from getting bored and slow learners from giving up.

Engagement – Just like any other online game, kids’ math games are designed to engage the player and keep them coming back for more. Kids get engrossed with their progress and performance in the game and they are eager to learn the skills necessary to succeed in the game, whether those skills are game-related or math-related. 

Positive attitude – One of the biggest challenges a math teacher faces is to get the students to like the subject. Math games for kids achieve this effortlessly by removing the fear of failure and building self concept through the positive reinforcement and reward system in the game. This creates a positive attitude towards math that is essential in performing well.

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