Monday, July 10, 2017

Learn Math, Earn Screen Time

Image courtesy: Scholastic

Screen time refers to the use of any electronic screen such as television, laptops or desktops, DVDs, tablets, smartphones or electronic games of any sort. With kids preferring to spend their time glued to screens for long hours rather than playing games with their peers outdoors, screen time is becoming a big problem for parents in the present day and age.

A group of researchers at Grand Valley State University in the US has come up with a novel educational approach to help such parents – an app called ‘Test 4 Time!’ that tests kids with age-appropriate math questions. One question correctly answered on the app translates to one minute of screen time for the kids. The greater the number of correct answers to math problems, the more time a child gets to spend online.

Tim Smock residing in Forest Hills is to be credited for this idea in the first place. “I would write down 20 math questions and tell my son that if he answered them, he could have one hour on the Wii. I wondered if this process could be automated and came up with the idea for Test 4 Time!

A wonderfully innovative idea – learn math and you get to earn screen time!

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